Information for API users: labour market tables changing from 15 May

Posted on 14 May 2024, 14:48

As of 15 May 2024, annual and quarterly data about the labour market are published in separate tables. The changes will primarily affect users accessing these data with a machine-to-machine interface.

Tables where annual and quarterly data were published together have changed, with quarterly data now published in separate tables.

Statistics Estonia recommends that users of the API check their referrals at the earliest opportunity and adapt these to the new datasets; otherwise, data will not reach the interested parties after the next publication. A manual on how to use the statistical database API is available here.

Changes to data tables

Table before 15.5.2024

 Table from 15.5.2024



TT0130Employed persons in main job by sex, age group and full/part-time job (quarterly)
TT0150Employed persons in main job by sex, age group and full/part-time job


TT2060Employed persons by type of employer (quarterly)
TT206Employed persons by sex and type of employer 


TT2070Employed persons and employees by sex and sector of economy (quarterly) 
TT207Employed persons and employees by sex, group of persons and sector of economy


TT2170Employed persons by employment status (quarterly)
TT217Employed persons by group of persons and employment status


TT2200Employed persons and employees in main job by full/part-time job (quarterly)
TT220Employed persons and employees in main job by sex, group of persons and full/part-time job


TT2410Employed persons by region and sector of economy (quarterly)
TT241Employed persons by place of residence, region, county and sector of economy


TT2420Employed persons by sex, region and occupational group (quarterly)
TT2419Employed persons by sex, region, county and occupational group


TT2460Persons employed abroad by country of job and economic activity (quarterly)
TT246Persons employed abroad by country of job and economic activity


TT450Inactive persons aged 15-74 by reason of inactivity (quarterly)
TT45Inactive persons aged 15-74 by group of persons (sex, age group, place of residence, ethnic nationality) and reason of inactivity


TT4530Inactive persons aged 15-74 by age group and region (quarterly)
TT453Inactive persons aged 15-74 by age group, region and county


TT445Unemployed persons by duration of unemployment (quarterly)
TT43Unemployed persons by duration of unemployment and group of individuals (sex, age group, place of residence, ethnic nationality)


TT0160Labour market headline indicators by sex and age group (quarterly)
TT0151Labour market headline indicators by sex and age group


TT3300Labour status of population aged 15 and older by sex and age group (quarterly)
TT330Labour status of population aged 15 and older by sex and age group


TT3320Labour status of population aged 15-74 by group of individuals (place of residence, ethnic nationality) and sex (quarterly)
TT3321Labour status of population aged 15-74 by group of individuals (place of residence, ethnic nationality) and sex


TT4660Labour force, employed persons, labour rate and employment rate by region and group of persons (sex, age group, place of residence) (quarterly)
TT4661Labour force, employed persons, labour rate and employment rate by region, county and group of persons (sex, age group, place of residence)


TT540Response rate in Estonian Labour Force Survey (quarterly)
TT54Response rate in Estonian Labour Force Survey by county


TT467Labour status of population aged 15-74 by region (quarters)

Due to maintenance, Statistics Estonia’s and census websites will be temporarily unavailable on 13 January between 15:00 and 15:45. We apologize for the inconvenience.