Folk culture

Folk culture covers a nation's tangible and intangible cultural heritage and customs. Folk dance, choir singing, brass music and ethnic handicrafts help to preserve traditions. Amateur theatres, folk culture societies and other activities associated with intangible cultural heritage and heritage culture sustain and raise self-awareness.

Folk culture statistics provide answers to the following questions.

  • How many amateurs and instructors of folk culture are there?
  • In which county is the practice of folk culture most popular?
  • What is the profile of a folk culture amateur?
  • How are folk culture amateurs divided between subject areas?
  • How many amateur groups are there in each county and in Estonia as a whole?
  • In how many institutions and organisations is folk culture practiced?

The data of folk culture are published by county, age, sex and the group’s national origin.

It is the task of the state to ensure that intangible cultural heritage is preserved and traditions survive. For this purpose, we collect data each year on the share of people in Estonia who participate in folk culture and on the most popular activities.

Number of folk culture amateurs 78,792
Number of folk culture amateur groups 4,488
Number of instructors of folk culture amateur groups 3,887
Folk culture amateurs | 2023
Folk culture amateurs by county | 2023
Number of amateur groups | 2014–2023