5. Gender Equality

The focus of the global goal “Gender Equality” is basic rights of women and girls and gender equality. In order to achieve the goal, it is important to contribute more, including establish legal frameworks to help reduce gender discrimination and change attitudes and social norms.

The 2030 Agenda lays down ending gender inequality affecting women and girls, ending abuse against them and empowering them. The goal is to end the discrimination of women and girls as well as violence against them. It is essential to ensure that women have equal opportunities to participate at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public affairs. Women and girls must be ensured access to sexual and reproductive health services.

According to the UN progress report, gender inequality exists in both developing and developed countries. Violence against women, including sexual violence is very common. 

The Estonian sustainable development strategy does not specifically focus on gender equality; however, in 2004, the Gender Equality Act was adopted, the purpose of which is to ensure equal treatment of men and women as provided for in the constitution of Estonia. 

The global goal “Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls” is linked in Estonia with the following indicators of gender equality and women’s and girls’ empowerment:

  • Gender pay gap
  • Women in managerial positions
  • Gender Equality Index
Gender pay gap 13.1 %
Share of women in managerial positions 34.4 %
Gender Equality Index 60.8 points