Real GDP growth rate (chain-linked volume)

Gross domestic product (GDP) is calculated taking account of all economic transactions. When calculating the real economic growth, there needs to be an adjustment for price changes. The nominal GDP includes price changes, which is removed when calculating the real GDP. The real economic growth shows how much the volume of goods in the economy has increased.

Real GDP growth rate (annual) -0.7 %
Real GDP growth rate (quarterly) 0.9 %
Real GDP growth rate (quarterly, seasonally adjusted) 0.0 %
Flash estimate of GDP, at constant prices and seasonally and working-day adjusted | 3rd quarter 2022 – 4th quarter 2024
GDP chain-linked volume (reference year 2020) | 2011–2023
GDP chain-linked volume (reference year 2020) | 2019 – 2023
Unit: million euros
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Seasonally and working day unadjusted 28,686.6 27,859.3 29,852.5 29,870.5 28,967.5
Seasonally and working day adjusted 28,612.1 27,885.3 29,883.2 29,869.7 28,937.8

Source data in the statistics database: RAA0012 Source data in the statistics database: RAA0061 Source data in the statistics database: RAA0042

Estonia will desynchronise from the Russian electricity grid on 8 February and join the continental European network on 9 February. It is very unlikely that residents will notice the transition to the European frequency area. Nevertheless, there may be issues with supply security in Estonia during the transition, which could impact data submission and publication at Statistics Estonia.