
For warm homes, street lighting or to drive cars we need energy, which can be obtained from renewable and non-renewable sources. Energy is an area of the national economy, research and technology, covering energy production, conversion, transfer and use. Energy statistics give an overview of the production and consumption of energy by month and year as well as information about the prices of electricity, natural gas and fuels.

To produce energy statistics, Statistics Estonia collects the following data:

  • production volumes by type of energy;
  • energy consumption volumes of household and industrial clients;
  • stocks of energy products, imports and exports.

In Estonia, a large share of energy is still produced from non-renewable resources such as oil shale. At the same time, renewable energy is receiving more attention in the world and in Estonia – it is necessary to make sure that natural resources are preserved for future generations as well. A gradual transition to renewable energy is important for economic progress in the future. Statistics Estonia publishes annual energy efficiency indicators, which allow assessments of the share of renewable energy and energy savings.

Production of electricity 518.0 GWh
MAY 2024
Energy dependency rate 6.2 %
Share of renewable energy in gross final energy consumption 38.5 %
Electricity generated from renewable energy sources 29.1 %
Production of primary energy 196,451 TJ
Actual final consumption 114,447 TJ
Energy efficiency indicators | 2014–2022
Electricity generated from renewable energy sources | 2014–2022
Change in electricity production (same month of previous year = 100) | January 2005 – May 2024
Average cost of fuels and energy consumed by enterprises | 2017 – 2022
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Hard coal, t 78.14 84.13 75.83 83.90 101.16 208.09
Oil shale, t 12.79 13.01 14.26 14.53 17.02 24.85
Sod peat, t 34.01 41.93 40.78 54.23 43.93 49.90
Peat briquettes, t .. .. .. .. .. ..
Fuelwood, m³ solid volume 26.12 37.76 41.96 38.25 40.53 56.42
Wood chips, m³ 11.23 11.31 13.47 12.34 11.63 22.61
Wood waste, m³ 7.24 11.95 9.25 11.42 8.93 9.10
Natural gas (excluding compressed and liquefied natural gas), thousand m³ 289.77 325.45 328.09 262.42 422.69 867.67
Fuel oil, t 400.87 467.62 477.19 358.51 512.71 723.80
Shale oil (heavy fraction), t 336.38 381.70 381.20 326.49 467.36 684.24
Light fuel oil, t 601.28 586.91 572.97 425.02 495.92 655.47
Diesel, t 1,032.75 1,051.39 1,074.62 950.52 1,062.79 1,575.37
Motor gasoline, t 1,253.78 1,278.40 1,295.21 1,318.35 1,402.62 2,041.57
Electricity, MWh 76.51 76.69 77.12 75.83 91.01 174.15
Heat, MWh 57.12 65.01 64.26 57.72 60.73 82.19


See Statistics Estonia’s 2024 release calendar

Next year's calendar, where policymakers, journalists, and other data enthusiasts can find information on new additions to the database as well as the publication of news, will be available on Statistics Estonia’s website from 29 September.
Read more 29. September 2023

Oil shale electricity production increased last year

According to Statistics Estonia, power plants produced 8,910 gigawatt hours (GWh) of electricity and 5,074 GWh of heat in 2022. Compared with the year before, electricity production increased by 21% and heat production by 8%.
Read more 13. September 2023