7. Affordable and Clean Energy

The focus of the goal “Affordable and Clean Energy” is access to reliable, sustainable and affordable energy. Further efforts must be made for the availability of electricity or other energy sources used for preparing food. Energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy must be increased.

The 2030 Agenda sets the target to increase the share of renewable energy in energy production, double the rate of improvement in energy efficiency, i.e. reduce energy intensity per unit of GDP. Specifically, it is important to contribute to the development of better financial instruments, to define clearly areas of development and adopt more eagerly new technologies. The need to use cleaner technologies for fossil fuels has been particularly emphasised.

The Estonian sustainable development strategy emphasises the need to reorganise energy management in Estonia by supporting and giving preferential treatment to low-energy activities. In addition, the share of renewable energy in total energy should be increased and activities planned to end the use of oil shale in energy production.

The global goal “Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all” is linked in Estonia to the share of renewable energy as well as to increasing the overall energy efficiency of the economy. The gradual reduction of the use of fossil fuels, i.e. oil shale, has a direct impact on energy efficiency as well as on the share of renewable energy. The share of energy-related expenses in total household expenditure shows the impact that the price of energy has on consumers. The following indicators are used in Estonia to measure progress towards the goal:

  • Energy productivity
  • Energy dependence
  • Energy expenditure of households
  • Renewable energy
Energy productivity 4.2 euros per kg of oil equivalent
Energy dependency rate 6.2 %
Share of energy expenditure in total household expenditur 8.1 %
Share of renewable energy in final energy consumption 38.5 %