According to Statistics Estonia, in the first quarter of 2024, there were 9,598 job vacancies in the enterprises, institutions and organisations of Estonia. This is 16.3% less than in the same quarter last year. A little under 6,500 persons left their job at the initiative of the employer.
According to Statistics Estonia, in the fourth quarter of 2023, there were 9,199 job vacancies in the enterprises, institutions and organisations of Estonia. This is 18.5% less than in the same quarter last year. A little over 7,000 persons left their job at the initiative of the employer.
According to Statistics Estonia, in the second quarter of 2023, there were 11,079 job vacancies in the enterprises, institutions and organisations of Estonia. This is 17% less than in the same quarter last year. Over 6,000 persons left their job at the initiative of the employer.
Which skills should be acquired to remain competitive on the labour market and to prepare for the future? These questions are answered by the Continuing Vocational Training Survey conducted by Statistics Estonia.
According to Statistics Estonia, in 2023, the gross hourly earnings of female employees were 13.1% smaller than the earnings of male employees. The gender pay gap decreased by 4.6 percentage points year on year.
According to preliminary data of Statistics Estonia, in 2022, the gross hourly earnings of female employees were 17.7% smaller than the earnings of male employees. The gender pay gap increased by 2.8 percentage points year on year.
How successful are Estonian trade enterprises? What goods are sold the most? Considering the number of active enterprises and turnover, internal trade is the largest economic activity in Estonia. It covers wholesale and retail trade as well as repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles. Internal trade is closely connected with other activities – goods that people buy in shops or on the internet come from factories, craftsmen and farmers. The goods are carried by transport enterprises. Consumption of products made in Estonia supports local business, and also means that the goods are delivered to
According to Statistics Estonia, in the fourth quarter of 2022, there were 11,289 job vacancies in the enterprises, institutions and organisations of Estonia. This is 1.7% more than in the same quarter of 2021. Fewer than 7,000 persons left their job at the initiative of the employer.
According to Statistics Estonia, in the first quarter of 2023, there were 11,461 job vacancies in the enterprises, institutions and organisations of Estonia. This is 12% less than in the same quarter of 2022. Over 6,000 persons left their job at the initiative of the employer.