
Last year, Estonia's exports per capita were below the EU average

In 2023, Estonia’s exports of goods amounted to €18.2 billion and imports to €21.2 billion at current prices. Exports decreased by 16% and imports by 17% compared with 2022. The trade deficit reached €3 billion. Jane Leppmets, an analyst at Statistics Estonia, writes on 2023 trends in foreign trade of goods.
Read more 29. April 2024

Working international students and graduates contributed over 23 million euros in taxes in the previous academic year

Statistics Estonia, commissioned by the Education and Youth Board, analysed for the fifth time the economic contribution of working international students and international graduates. Although the number of international degree students in Estonia was down from the previous years, international students paid 16.6 million euros in income and social tax in the academic year 2022/23, and graduates from the year before contributed 6.9 million euros. For students, this is 2.5 million euros more than in the previous academic year, while for graduates it is 1.5 million euros less.
Read more 13. March 2024

General government deficit and debt increased last year

According to the preliminary* data of Statistics Estonia, in 2023, the Estonian general government deficit was 3.4% and the debt level was 19.6% of the gross domestic product (GDP). At the end of last year, the total expenditures of the general government exceeded revenues by 1.3 billion euros.
Read more 25. March 2024

Working international students and graduates contributed over 23 million euros in taxes in the previous academic year

Statistics Estonia, commissioned by the Education and Youth Board, analysed for the fifth time the economic contribution of working international students and international graduates. Although the number of international degree students in Estonia was down from the previous years, international students paid 16.6 million euros in income and social tax in the academic year 2022/23, and graduates from the year before contributed 6.9 million euros. For students, this is 2.5 million euros more than in the previous academic year, while for graduates it is 1.5 million euros less.
Read more 13. March 2024

Exports of services reached a record high in the fourth quarter

According to Statistics Estonia and Eesti Pank, in the fourth quarter of 2023, Estonia’s exports of services grew by 5% and imports by 7% compared with the same quarter of 2022. Sales of services to non-residents totalled 3.1 billion euros and purchases of services from non-residents amounted to 2.3 billion euros at current prices. Total exports of services increased by 9% and imports by 8% last year.
Read more 12. March 2024