Environmental trends
Statistical activity code: 10001
Indicators of environmental pressure – indicators that reflect the impact of human activity on the environment by environmental problem domain | |
Eurostat’s list of environmental problem areas and the corresponding environmental pressure indicators | |
Most of the indicators are calculated as total for the country. If not, it is indicated in the name of the indicator or in the methodology description. | |
Indicators of environmental pressure – indicators which reflect impact of human activity on the environment. Seven environmental problem domains are considered: - loss of biodiversity (indicators of this environmental problem domain are: area used by intensive arable agriculture, area of regeneration cutting, fish catch from the Baltic Sea and inland waters); - waste (indicators of this environmental problem domain are: waste generation, landfill of waste, generation of hazardous waste, generation of municipal waste, recycling of waste, waste incinerated); - climate change (indicators of this environmental problem domain are: total emission and removals of greenhouse gases, emissions of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and F-gases, use of carbon dioxide in ecosystems); - use of natural resources (indicators of this environmental problem domain are: abstraction of fresh water, surface water, groundwater and cooling water; consumption of energy; forest area; reserve of stands; share of utilised arable land and share of utilised permanent grassland; production of electricity from fossil fuels; excavation of oil shale, peat, limestone, clay, sand, gravel, dolostone, curative mud and sapropel; - toxic chemicals (indicators of this environmental problem domain are: use of pesticides by agricultural holdings, air emissions of heavy metals, waste of oil shale semi-coking); - water pollution and decrease of water resources (indicators of this environmental problem domain are: nitrogen quantity carried into the soil with fertilizers, share of non-purified or mechanically purified waste water discharge in waste water needing purification, pollution load of waste water with organic substances (BOD7), nitrogen and phosphorus); - pollution of air (indicators of this environmental problem domain are: air emissions of nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds, sulphur dioxide and solid particles; consumption of gasoline and diesel). | |
Statistics are published on various aspects of environmental pressure, such as fish catch, waste, extraction of mineral resources, hazardous chemicals, agricultural land, wooded land and so on. | |
Not applicable FRAME Not applicable | |
Estonia as a whole | |
2000–… | |
Not applicable |
The dissemination of data collected for the purpose of producing official statistics is guided by the requirements provided for in § 32, § 34, § 35, § 38 of the Official Statistics Act. | |
The dissemination of data collected for the production of official statistics is based on the requirements laid down in §§ 34 and 35 of the Official Statistics Act. The principles for treatment of confidential data can be found here. |
Notifications about the dissemination of statistics are published in the release calendar, which is available on the website. Every year on 1 October, the release times of the statistical database, news releases, main indicators by IMF SDDS and publications for the following year are announced in the release calendar (in the case of publications – the release month). | |
All users have been granted equal access to official statistics: dissemination dates of official statistics are announced in advance and no user category (incl. Eurostat, state authorities and mass media) is provided access to official statistics before other users. Official statistics are first published in the statistical database. If there is also a news release, it is published simultaneously with data in the statistical database. Official statistics are available on the website at 8:00 a.m. on the date announced in the release calendar. |
Not published | |
Not published | |
Data are published under the subject area “Environment / Environmental pressure” in the statistical database at https://andmed.stat.ee/en/stat. | |
Not applicable | |
Not used | |
The indicators are based on Eurostat's two-dimensional matrix of environmental pressure indicators. The two dimensions are environmental problem domains and the corresponding main indicators of environmental pressure (Towards environmental pressure indicators for the EU. European Communities, 1999). The environmental problem domains reflecting the impact of human activity are: water pollution, waste, loss of biodiversity, resource depletion and toxic substances, air pollution, climate change and ozone layer depletion. | |
Not available |
To assure the quality of processes and products, Statistics Estonia applies the EFQM Excellence Model, the European Statistics Code of Practice and the Quality Assurance Framework of the European Statistical System (ESS QAF). Statistics Estonia is also guided by the requirements in § 7. “Principles and quality criteria of producing official statistics” of the Official Statistics Act. | |
Statistics Estonia performs all statistical activities according to an international model (Generic Statistical Business Process Model – GSBPM). According to the GSBPM, the final phase of statistical activities is overall evaluation using information gathered in each phase or sub-process; this information can take many forms, including feedback from users, process metadata, system metrics and suggestions from employees. This information is used to prepare the evaluation report which outlines all the quality problems related to the specific statistical activity and serves as input for improvement actions. |
Ministry of the Environment | |
Since 1996, Statistics Estonia has conducted reputation and user satisfaction surveys. All results are available on the website of Statistics Estonia in the section User surveys. | |
Not relevant |
Single indicator data are mostly comparable with the data of other countries, but geographical comparability varies by the indicator. | |
Single indicator data are mostly comparable over time, but comparability in timeseries varies by the indicator. | |
There is no clear link to other domains of statistics. | |
Internal consistency is ensured by the framework. |
The data revision policy and notification of corrections are described in the section Principles of dissemination of official statistics of the website of Statistics Estonia. | |
The data of other statistical activities used for the calculation of the indicators are revised. |
SURVEY DATA Not used ADMINISTRATIVE DATA Data on F-gases are received from the Estonian Environmental Research Centre. Data on air emissions, greenhouse gas emissions, hunting, forestry wastewater and waste handling are received from the Estonian Environment Agency. Data on the extraction of mineral resources are received from the Estonian Land Board. DATA FROM OTHER STATISTICAL ACTIVITIES Data from statistical activities 10302 “Water use”, 10304 “Forest resources”, 10401 “Waste management”, 21001 “Forestry”, 21214 “Crop farming”, 22303 “Foreign trade”, 10503 “Sales of pesticides”, 20206 “Energy consumption and production (annual)”, 10406 “Air emissions accounts” and 20701 “Fish catch” are used. | |
Not applicable | |
Mainly not applicable, as data of other statistical activities are used. Data from the Estonian Land Board, Estonian Environment Agency and Estonian Environmental Research Centre are received by e-mail. | |
Comparison with the data of other surveys are used in the validation process. The data are compared with the data of previous periods. | |
The indicators to be published are calculated on the basis of the collected data. | |
Not applied |