Financial statistics of agricultural, forestry and fishing enterprises (quarterly) (until 2017)
Statistical activity code: 20004
Turnover, expenses, inventories, investments and hours worked of enterprises by economic activity and size group of enterprise (number of persons employed) | |
Estonian Classification of Economic Activities (EMTAK 2008) based on NACE Rev. 2 | |
Enterprises of the following activities have been covered by the survey: agriculture, forestry and fishery. | |
Investments in tangible fixed assets and investment property – all expenditures on fixed assets, which prolong the service life or increase the productive capacity of capital goods, improve the quality of production or reduce production expenses. Fixed assets refer to assets, which are used in business over a longer period of time, usually for more than a year. Enterprise itself fixes the lower limits of the service life and monetary value of the object of fixed assets and makes the respective entry in the bookkeeping records. Investment property is land and/or buildings held to earn rentals or for capital appreciation or both. Quarterly average number of employed persons – the total number of persons who work in the enterprise. Employed persons include also the number of working proprietors and their family members, if they work in the enterprise. Standard output is the monetary value of gross agricultural production at farm-gate price corresponding to the average situation of each agricultural activity which is calculated on the basis of crop area, number of livestock and Standard output coefficients. Standard output does not include VAT, other taxes on products and direct payments. Turnover (formerly ‟net sales”) – income from sale of all products, goods and services received or to be received, which does not include VAT, excises and turnover from the sale of fixed assets. Turnover is equal with the pay received or to be received and is calculated on accrual basis accounting. Turnover excludes subsidies. | |
Enterprise – company | |
Enterprises whose main activity is agriculture, forestry and fishery FRAME List of active enterprises whose main activity is agriculture, forestry and fishery. The list is generated from the Business Register for Statistical Purposes. | |
Estonia as a whole | |
2001–… | |
Not applicable |
DIRECTLY APPLICABLE LEGAL ACTS Regulation (EU) No 549/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on the European system of national and regional accounts in the European Union (Text with EEA relevance) OTHER LEGAL ACTS Commission Implementing Decision of 26 June 2014 on granting derogations to Member States with respect to the transmission of statistics pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 549/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the European system of national and regional accounts in the European Union (notified under document C(2014) 4164) (Text with EEA relevance) OTHER AGREEMENTS Not available |
The dissemination of data collected for the purpose of producing official statistics is guided by the requirements provided for in § 34 and § 35 of the Official Statistics Act. | |
The treatment of confidential data is regulated by the Procedure for Protection of Data Collected and Processed by Statistics Estonia: |
Notifications about dissemination of statistics are published in the release calendar, which is available on the website. Every year on 1 October, the release times of the Statistical Database, news releases, main indicators by IMF SDDS and publications for the following year are announced in the release calendar (in case of publications – the release month). | | | |
All users have been granted equal access to official statistics: dissemination dates of official statistics are announced in advance and no user category (incl. Eurostat, state authorities and mass media) is provided access to official statistics before other users. Official statistics are first published in the Statistical Database. If there is also a news release, it is published simultaneously with data in the Statistical Database. Official statistics are available on the website at 8:00 a.m. on the date announced in the release calendar. |
The news release “Business” once a quarter. The news release can be viewed on the website | |
Eesti Statistika Kvartalikiri. Quarterly Bulletin of Statistics Estonia | |
Data are published under the subject area “Economy / Financial statistics of enterprises” in the Statistical Database at | |
The dissemination of data collected for the purpose of producing official statistics is guided by the requirements provided for in § 34, § 35, § 36, § 37, § 38 of the Official Statistics Act. Access to microdata and anonymisation of microdata are regulated by Statistics Estonia’s procedure for dissemination of confidential data for scientific purposes: | |
Data serve as input for statistical activities 20007 “Financial statistics of enterprises (quarterly)”, 20901 “Business Register for Statistical Purposes”, 21207 “Economic accounts for agriculture” and 21405 “National accounts (quarterly)”. | |
Regulation (EC) No 138/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 December 2003 on the economic accounts for agriculture in the Community Commission Regulation (EC) No 306/2005 of 24 February 2005 amending Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 138/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the economic accounts for agriculture in the Community Commission Regulation (EC) No 909/2006 of 20 June 2006 amending Annexes I and II to Regulation (EC) No 138/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the economic accounts for agriculture in the Community Commission Regulation (EC) No 212/2008 of 7 March 2008 amending Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 138/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the economic accounts for agriculture in the Community | |
Data on the quality of the population, sample and respondents are published in the Statistical Database. |
To assure the quality of processes and products, Statistics Estonia applies the EFQM Excellence Model, the European Statistics Code of Practice and the Quality Assurance Framework of the European Statistical System (ESS QAF). Statistics Estonia is also guided by the requirements in § 7. “Principles and quality criteria of producing official statistics” of the Official Statistics Act. | |
Statistics Estonia performs all statistical activities according to an international model (Generic Statistical Business Process Model – GSBPM). According to the GSBPM, the final phase of statistical activities is overall evaluation using information gathered in each phase or sub-process; this information can take many forms, including feedback from users, process metadata, system metrics and suggestions from employees. This information is used to prepare the evaluation report which outlines all the quality problems related to the specific statistical activity and serves as input for improvement actions. |
Ministry of Rural Affairs Users’ suggestions and information about taking these into account are available on the website of Statistics Estonia at | |
Since 1996, Statistics Estonia has conducted reputation and user satisfaction surveys. All results are available on the website at | |
In compliance with the rules (regulations) |
International comparability is limited as there are many countries that do not conduct this survey. | |
The data are comparable over time. | |
Data are related to statistical activity 21405 “National accounts (quarterly)”. | |
The outputs of the statistical activity are coherent. Higher-level aggregations are derived from detailed data according to pre-defined procedures. |
SURVEY DATA Total population is 4,100 objects. The sample includes 1,200 objects. All enterprises with 20 or more persons employed, with standard output at least 500,000 euros and those belonging to the small stratums are surveyed. For other enterprises simple random sampling by the number of persons employed, economic activity and standard output is applied. ADMINISTRATIVE DATA Data on the following tax returns are received from the Estonian Tax and Customs Board: value added tax return (form KMD); declaration of income and social tax, unemployment insurance premiums and contributions to mandatory funded pension (form TSD); payments made to resident natural persons, withheld income tax, unemployment insurance premiums and contributions to mandatory funded pension, calculated social tax and contributions to funded pension calculated on parental benefits (form TSD, Annex 1); payments made to non-resident natural persons, withheld income tax, unemployment insurance premiums and calculated social tax (form TSD, Annex 2). DATA FROM OTHER STATISTICAL ACTIVITIES Not used | |
Quarterly | |
Data are collected and the submission of questionnaires is monitored through eSTAT (the web channel for electronic data submission). The questionnaires have been designed for independent completion in eSTAT and include instructions and controls. The questionnaires and information about data submission are available on Statistics Estonia’s website at (in Estonian). Data are collected with the quarterly official statistics questionnaire “Põllumajandus-, metsamajandus- ja kalandusettevõtete majandusnäitajad”. The data from the Tax and Customs Board are received via X-Road and an FTP-server. | |
Arithmetic and qualitative controls are used in the validation process, including comparison with other data. | |
In the case of missing or unreliable data, estimate imputation based on established regulations will be used. Variables and statistical units which were not collected but which are necessary for producing the output are calculated. New variables are calculated by applying arithmetic conversion to already existing variables. This may be done repeatedly, the derived variable may, in turn, be based on previously derived new variables. For statistical units weights are calculated, which are used to expand the data of the sample survey to the total population. Microdata are aggregated to the level necessary for analysis. This includes aggregating the data according to the classification, and calculating various statistical measures, e.g. average, median, dispersion, etc. The collected data are converted into statistical output. This includes calculating additional indicators. | |
Not applicable |
Standard output is the monetary value of gross agricultural production at farm-gate price corresponding to the average situation of each agricultural activity and which is calculated on the basis of crop area, number of livestock and standard output coefficients. Standard output does not include VAT, other taxes on products and direct payments. |