Economic accounts for agriculture
Statistical activity code: 21207
Agricultural output, intermediate consumption, gross and net value added and fixed capital consumption at basic prices of the corresponding and previous year Compensation of employees, other taxes and subsidies on production, factor income, operating surplus, rents, interests paid and received, entrepreneurial income at prices of the corresponding year Unit values for agricultural products at producer and basic prices Gross fixed capital formation, salaried and non-salaried labour force in annual work units Data are published in basic prices of corresponding year and of the previous year, which enables estimate both changes in volume and price. | |
{Estonian Classification of Economic Activities (EMTAK 2008) based on NACE Rev. 2} | |
Agricultural holdings and agricultural small units | |
Annual work unit (AWU) – national or regional average annual working time of adult full-time farm workers employed throughout 12 months (a calendar year) for 1,800 hours, i.e. 225 working days, each day 8 hours Basic price – the price obtained from the buyer for a unit of goods or services (producer price), less taxes on products, plus subsidies for the production or sale of the product Entrepreneurial income – operating surplus less paid rent and interest plus interest received Factor income – net value added less other production charges plus other subsidies on production Fixed capital consumption – the foreseeable wear and tear of fixed capital goods during the accounting period represent a charge which is implicit so long as the item is not replaced by a new acquisition. The consumption of fixed capital is not calculated for stocks and unfinished products, non-produced assets (land, underground deposits and patented assets) and animals providing agricultural production. Gross fixed capital formation – acquisitions, less disposals of fixed assets Gross value added – the output of agricultural industry less total intermediate consumption Intermediate consumption – the value of all goods and services used as inputs in the production process, excluding fixed assets whose consumption is recorded as fixed capital consumption Net value added – gross value added less fixed capital consumption Operating surplus – factor income less compensation of employees Output – sales, processing by producers, own final consumption, used for payments in kind, own-account produced fixed capital goods, change in stocks and intra-unit consumption. Within the industry non-marketable intra-unit consumed products (such as animal feeding stuffs produced in crop production) are included in agricultural output. Output of agricultural industry – the sum of the agricultural goods and services produced by agricultural units and inseparable non-agricultural goods and services produced by agricultural units Producer price – price received from the purchaser for a unit of goods or services | |
Agricultural holding and agricultural small unit | |
Estonia as a whole | |
Economic Accounts for Agriculture 1995–… | |
Not applicable |
The dissemination of data collected for the purpose of producing official statistics is guided by the requirements provided for in sections 32, 34, 35, 38 of the Official Statistics Act. | |
The dissemination of data collected for the production of official statistics is based on the requirements laid down in sections 34 and 35 of the Official Statistics Act. The principles for treatment of confidential data can be found{here} |
Notifications about the dissemination of statistics are published in the release calendar, which is available on the website. Every year on 1 October, the release times of the statistical database, news releases, main indicators by IMF SDDS and publications for the following year are announced in the release calendar (in the case of publications – the release month). | |
{Calendar} | |
All users have been granted equal access to official statistics: dissemination dates of official statistics are announced in advance and no user category (incl. Eurostat, state authorities and mass media) is provided access to official statistics before other users. Official statistics are first published in the statistical database. If there is also a news release, it is published simultaneously with data in the statistical database. Official statistics are available on the website at 8:00 a.m. on the date announced in the release calendar. |
Not published | |
Not published | |
Data are published in the statistical database at under the subject area “Economy / Agriculture / Economic accounts for agriculture” in the following tables: {PM54: Agricultural output, intermediate consumption, value added, gross fixed capital formation in basic prices of the corresponding year and agricultural labour input} {PM55: Agricultural output, intermediate consumption, value added and gross fixed capital formation in basic prices of the previous year} | |
The dissemination of data collected for the purpose of producing official statistics is guided by the requirements provided for in sections 33, 34, 35, 36, 38 of the Official Statistics Act. Access to microdata and anonymisation of microdata are regulated by Statistics Estonia’s {procedure for dissemination of confidential data for scientific purposes} | |
Data serve as input for statistical activities 21303 “Government finance”, 21408 “Supply and Use Tables”, 21401 “National accounts (annual)”, 21405 “National accounts (quarterly)”, 20405 “Agricultural input price index”, 20406 “Agricultural output price index” and 21213 “Supply balance sheets of agricultural products”. | |
Eurostat's manuals for Economic Account for Agriculture | |
The quality report submitted to Eurostat |
To assure the quality of processes and products, Statistics Estonia applies the EFQM Excellence Model, the European Statistics Code of Practice and the Quality Assurance Framework of the European Statistical System (ESS QAF). Statistics Estonia is also guided by the requirements in section 7. “Principles and quality criteria of producing official statistics” of the Official Statistics Act. | |
Statistics Estonia performs all statistical activities according to an international model (Generic Statistical Business Process Model – GSBPM). According to the GSBPM, the final phase of statistical activities is overall evaluation using information gathered in each phase or sub-process; this information can take many forms, including feedback from users, process metadata, system metrics and suggestions from employees. This information is used to prepare the evaluation report which outlines all the quality problems related to the specific statistical activity and serves as input for improvement actions. |
Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture | |
Since 1996, Statistics Estonia has conducted reputation and user satisfaction surveys. All results are available on the website of Statistics Estonia in the section {User surveys} | |
In compliance with the rules (regulations) |
The data are comparable to the data of other Member States of the European Union because a common methodology is used. Since the data are input to the national accounts, small agricultural units are also included in the Estonian Economic Accounts for Agriculture. | |
Agricultural income indicators are comparable over time. The accounts have been specified for individual types of production: Since 2017, the accounting for potatoes has been revised, which means that the potato data are not directly comparable with previous years. Since 2015, the accounting methodology of nursery production has changed, which means that the data of nurseries are not directly comparable to previous years. Until 2014, other crop production includes straw, from 2015 herbs and plants, and other industrial crops, etc. | |
As the input data for economic accounts for agriculture are data of other agricultural statistics activities, the accounts are coherent with other agricultural statistics. The yield/output data are derived from agricultural production statistics, and labour force data from the Farm Structure Survey and economic indicators of agricultural holdings. In addition, prices are based on price statistics, exports on foreign trade statistics, intermediate consumption and other costs on economic indicators of agricultural holdings, fixed capital consumption and capital investment on macroeconomic statistics, and subsidies on data of the Agricultural Registers and Information Board (ARIB) received via the Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture. | |
The outputs of the statistical activity are coherent. Higher-level aggregations are derived from detailed data according to pre-defined procedures. Agricultural income figures are calculated. |
The data revision policy and notification of corrections are described in the section {Principles of dissemination of official statistics} on the website of Statistics Estonia. | |
The published data may be revised if the methodology is modified, errors are discovered, new or better data become available. |
SURVEY DATA Not applicable ADMINISTRATIVE DATA Aggregated data about subsidies on products, production and investments are received from the Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture. Information on the prices of cereals and oilseed rape is obtained from the Centre of Estonian Rural Research and Knowledge. DATA FROM OTHER STATISTICAL ACTIVITIES Data from the following statistical activities are used: 20007 “Financial statistics of enterprises (quarterly)” (turnover by type), 20300 “Financial statistics of enterprises (annual)” (turnover by type; costs, labour force), 20405 “Agricultural input price index” (input price indices), 20406 “Agricultural output price index” (output price indices), 21203 “Livestock farming and meat production” (number of animals and all its changes (by number and live weight), including cattle (incl. dairy cows), pigs, sheep and goats, poultry; milk production and use; egg production, stocks and use; honey and beeswax production; wool production; purchasing price of animals), 21206 “Purchase and use of milk” (amount of milk purchased and its price), 21208 “Farm Structure Survey”, 21210 “Agricultural Census” (labour force), 21214 “Crop farming” (production and area of agricultural crops), 21401 “National accounts (annual)” (data about fixed capital consumption and gross fixed capital formation, FISIM), 22303 “Foreign trade” (import and export of agricultural products), and 40203 “Household Budget Survey” (data about small units). | |
Annual | |
Data from other surveys are used (aggregated data). Data from the Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture and from the Centre of Estonian Rural Research and Knowledge are received by e-mail. | |
Arithmetic and qualitative controls are used in the validation process, including comparison with other data. | |
The collected data are converted into statistical output. This includes calculating additional indicators. Gross value added is calculated on the basis of output of agricultural industry and total intermediate consumption. Gross value added is the basis for calculating all other agricultural income indicators. | |
Not applicable |
Pursuant to the European Union Common Agricultural Policy Implementation Act, Statistics Estonia compiles the economic accounts for agriculture in cooperation with the Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture. The Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture will compile the initial results of the current calendar year by November of the same year and the results of the calendar year by March of the following year, and Statistics Estonia will compile the final results of the calendar year by September of the following year. |