Inhabitants would willingly attend cultural events more

Posted on 19 January 2011, 10:00

According to Statistics Estonia, urban people are more eager to take part in cultural events, rural people are more active media observers compared to urban people.

According to the Time Use Survey, concerts are considered the most popular cultural event –57% of population in cities and 50% in rural areas went to concerts during the year. A half of urban people and 40% of rural people visited palaces and castles, churches and other cultural monuments. Theatre, opera and dance performances were visited by 46% of urban and 40% of rural population. Cinemas were visited by 40% of urban and 30% of rural population. The biggest difference in the consumption of culture between urban and rural people lies in the attendance of art exhibitions. In cities nearly a third of people went to art exhibitions, but in rural areas this indicator was below a fifth.

High ticket prices constitute the reason, pointed out by the majority or 78% of urban people, why people do not visit the theatre, cinema or concerts more often. In rural areas, the respective reason lies in the fact that there is no such cultural establishment in the proximity of residence (72%). The next reason, mentioned by urban people, that hinders people from attending cultural establishments, is their health status or disability. Besides, little information on events has also been elicited as a reason. Rural people, on the other hand, point out poor transport facilities or absence of a vehicle, a necessity to take care of other family members (children or the sick) and absence of a companion with whom to visit cultural establishments.

Urban people are more active in reading. Slightly more than two thirds of rural people and 78% of urban people have read books during the last 12 months. A difference in job- or training-related reading is small between urban and rural population. The difference is bigger with respect to reading for recreational purposes. 46% of rural population and 54% of urban population read books for this purpose.

On the other hand, there are more people in rural areas who read paper-based newspapers and magazines. Almost a half of rural people and 42% of urban people read paper-based newspapers every day. The difference definitely refers to a better access to the Internet in cities. 55% of urban people and 48% of rural people use the Internet on a daily basis.

At the same time, rural people are more active radio listeners – 80% of rural people listen to the radio almost every day. In cities, this indicator is 74%. 90% of rural residents and 88% of urban residents watch TV daily.

The Time Use Survey of Statistics Estonia was conducted from April 2009 until March 2010. 7,000 inhabitants participated in the Survey. The data on time use were collected using a diary-method or all household members aged 10 and older filled in the diary regarding one weekday and one weekend day. It was possible to record activities with a 10-minutes’ interval. The previous Time Use Survey was conducted in 2000.