Statistics Estonia: the e-census software will be updated tonight

Posted on 3 January 2012, 10:00

Tonight, on 3 January, the e-census software will be updated. As a result, it will not be possible to participate in the e-census between 23:00 and 24:00. The updates are required to eliminate certain problems that have emerged in the first few days of the census.

“With these software updates, it should become easier to specify your place of residence at the start of the census questionnaire,” said Mr Allan Randlepp, Head of Data Processing Systems Department at Statistics Estonia. Also, some glitches in the e-census environment will be removed.

“For example, we have three reported cases where a person logged in to start completing the e-census questionnaire and was prompted with an error message that included someone else’s name and personal identification code,” said Randlepp. “All completed questionnaires are secure and protected, but such an error message could cause unnecessary confusion.” (N.B. See the attached screenshot of the error message)

If anyone encounters any other faults in the e-census environment, they should notify Statistics Estonia by email at klienditugi [at] or by phone at 625 9100.

Statistics Estonia also reminds respondents that, for security purposes, they should close the web browser once they have finished completing the census questionnaire.

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