Statistics Estonia stops imposing penalty payment

Posted on 17 March 2020, 10:00

Statistics Estonia acknowledges that the data providers may fail to submit their data in due time and stops imposing penalty payment at least until the end of the emergency situation in Estonia.

Statistics Estonia stops imposing penalty payment

“Statistics Estonia appeals to all the data providers that their data allow us to assess the impact of the current crisis. We also ask everyone to revise their data in the population register, as only accurate information helps obtain a clear picture of the situation in Estonia and plan ahead. In the emergency situation, accurate data are also important for contacting Estonian residents and for making projections,” commented Mart Mägi, Director General of Statistics Estonia.

The main objective of Statistics Estonia is to provide reliable and objective information about Estonia, for which data are collected from enterprises, databases and individuals. As of 2020, nearly half of the questionnaires include database data, but some data still need to be collected from enterprises and institutions, as we also need data not represented in databases to produce statistics.

Under the Official Statistics Act, submitting data is mandatory, as statistics which reflect social processes are required for governing the state as well as for enterprises for drawing up development plans and making management decisions. Reliable statistics can only be produced based on high-quality data and therefore all the enterprises which submit data play an important role in the production of statistics. More information about submitting data can be found on Statistics Estonia’s website.

If you have questions, please contact Statistics Estonia’s customer service by calling +372 625 9100 or send an e-mail to klienditugi [at] (klienditugi[at]stat[dot]ee).