Organic farming (until 2015)
Statistical activity code: 21222
Organic utilised agricultural land, sown area of crops, fruit and berry plantations, number of livestock and poultry, production of field crops and livestock production in organic farming | |
Classification of Use of Agricultural Land | |
The data include all organic farmers. | |
Organic farming agricultural area – area under conversion period and fully converted to organic farming. Conversion period – the period between the start of organic management and certification of crops and/or animal husbandry. Organic farming rules have to be applied but products cannot be marked as organic. After the conversion period starts fully converted period when products can be marked as organic. Organic production – production from the fully converted areas and livestock. | |
Organic farmer | |
Organic farmers FRAME Organic farming register | |
Estonia as a whole | |
2013–... | |
Not applicable. |
DIRECTLY APPLICABLE LEGAL ACT Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 of 28 June 2007 on organic production and labelling of organic products and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91 Commission Regulation (EC) No 889/2008 of 5 September 2008 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 on organic production and labelling of organic products with regard to organic production, labelling and control OTHER AGREEMENTS Not available. |
The dissemination of data collected for the purpose of producing official statistics is guided by the requirements provided for in § 34 and § 35 of the Official Statistics Act. | |
The treatment of confidential data is regulated by the Procedure for Protection of Data Collected and Processed by Statistics Estonia: |
Notifications about the dissemination of statistics are published in the release calendar, which is available on the website. On 1 October each year, the release times of the Statistical Database, news releases, main indicators by IMF SDDS and publications are announced in the release calendar (in case of publications – the release month). | | | |
All users have been granted an equal access to official statistics: this means that the dissemination dates of official statistics have to be announced in advance and no user category (incl. Eurostat, state authorities and mass media) can have access to the official statistics (results of official statistical surveys) before other users. Statistical information is first published in the Statistical Database. In case a news release is published based on the same data, the information provided in the relevant news release is simultaneously published in the Statistical Database. Official statistics are available on the website at 8.00 a.m. on the date announced in the release calendar. |
Not published. | |
Not published. | |
Data are published under the heading „Economy/ Agriculture” in the Statistical Database in | |
Not applicable. | |
Not published. | |
Data collection on organic farming statistics. Guidelines. Methodological notes | |
The description of the methodology is published in conjunction with the data in the Statistical Database. |
To assure the quality of processes and products, Statistics Estonia applies the EFQM Excellence Model, EU Statistics Code of Practice and the ESS Quality Assurance Framework (QAF). Statistics Estonia is also guided by the requirements provided for in § 7. „Principles and quality criteria of producing official statistics” of the Official Statistics Act. | |
Statistics Estonia performs all statistical activities according to an international model (Generic Statistical Business Process Model – GSBPM). According to the GSBPM, the final phase of statistical activities is overall evaluation using information gathered in each phase or sub-process (this information includes, among other things, feedback from users, process metadata, system metrics and suggestions from employees). This information is used to prepare the evaluation report which outlines all the quality problems related to the specific statistical activity and serves as input for improvement actions. |
Ministry of Agriculture Agricultural Board Users’ suggestions and information about taking them into account are available on the SE website | |
Since 1996 Statistics Estonia conducts reputation surveys and user surveys. All results are available on the website | |
Data are complete and in compliance with the rules (regulations). |
SURVEY DATA Not used. ADMINISTRATIVE DATA Aggregate data on organic farming are received from the Organic Farming Register of the Agricultural Board. DATA FROM OTHER STATISTICAL ACTIVITIES Not used. | |
Year | |
Data are received in Excel format. | |
The data are compared with the data from previous periods. | |
The indicators to be published are calculated on the basis of the data collected by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Agricultural Board. | |
Not applicable. |