Two thirds of Estonian population prefers to participate in the Population Census via Internet

Posted on 2 September 2011, 11:00

According to the questionnaire carried out by the research agency Faktum & Ariko in August, two thirds of the population of Estonia is ready to answer the Census questionnaire via Internet.

“The results of the survey are encouraging and we hope that Estonia is about to make a record of the e-censuses over the world”, said Mr Priit Potisepp, the Director General of Statistics Estonia. The largest share of censuses up to now via Internet has been in South Korea, where 40% of the population of the country answered the questions on the Internet.

66% of the population answered the question “During the 2011 Population Census you can answer the enumerator or fill in the questionnaire on the Internet. Which option do you use?”, “I will fill in the questionnaire myself on the Internet”, 27% answered “I will answer to the enumerator at home” and 7% could not answer.

More than average, persons aged 15–34 and 35–54 (80% and 75%, respectively), and persons with secondary and higher education (66% and 78%, respectively) prefer to fill in the questionnaire on the Internet.

More than average, persons aged 55–74 (58%), persons with lower income (41%) and persons with primary and basic education (42%) prefer the interview with the enumerator.

77% of everyday Internet users prefer to participate in e-Census, 16% of everyday Internet users are waiting for the enumerator to interview them at home.

By the order of Statistics Estonia, the research agency Factum & Ariko questioned 500 persons aged 15–74 all over Estonia in August In Estonia, the Population and Housing Census will be carried out from 31 December this year until 31 March next year. The electronic Population and Housing Census or e-census, where the permanent residents of Estonia can fill out questionnaires on the Internet, will take place during the first month (31.12.2011–31.01.2012). Those who do not participate in the e-census will be visited by enumerators in the period 16.02–31.03.2012.

In 2011 the Population Census will be conducted for the eleventh time in the territory of Estonia. Previous censuses were carried out in 1881, 1897, 1922, 1934, 1941, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 and 2000. In 2010 and 2011 Population and Housing Censuses will be held in the majority of countries all over the world.