
GDP flash estimate: recession slowed down in Q2

According to Statistics Estonia's preliminary estimate, the decline in the gross domestic product (GDP) slowed down in the second quarter of 2024. GDP fell by approximately 1.7% compared with the second quarter of 2023.
Read more 31. July 2024

Young workers are turning away from the information and communication sector

Statistics Estonia's short-term labour market statistics show that over the past year and a half, there have been fewer young people aged 20–29 working in both the broader information and communication sector and the more specific field of computer programming. While in previous years the field of computer programming was growing mainly because of young people, in the past year their numbers have fallen.
Read more 17. July 2024

COVID-19 pandemic pushed up accommodation prices and boosted domestic tourism

According to Statistics Estonia, in 2023, the average expenditure of Estonian residents on overnight outbound trips was greater than in the period before the COVID-19 pandemic. The average spending on outbound trips has increased by 43% in the years 2018–2023. The number of tourists accommodated in Estonia has not yet reached the pre-pandemic level, but the share of domestic tourists has increased significantly compared with 2018.
Read more 13. September 2024

14% of enterprises use artificial intelligence technologies

According to Statistics Estonia's survey on information technology, the use of artificial intelligence-based technologies has risen significantly in 2024 compared with the previous year, and cyber security has become increasingly important. 5% of enterprises used at least one AI technology in 2023, whereas in 2024, this figure has risen to 14%. Of large enterprises, 10% said they had experienced a disclosure of confidential data.
Read more 13. September 2024

Telecommunications, computer and information services had the biggest trade surplus in the second quarter

According to Statistics Estonia and Eesti Pank, in the second quarter of 2024, Estonia’s exports and imports of services both grew by 3%. Exports of services totalled 3.1 billion euros and imports of services 2.3 billion euros at current prices. The balance of foreign trade in services was in surplus by 802 million euros, which is 39 million euros more than in the second quarter last year.
Read more 10. September 2024

Exports of goods in particular rose in July

According to Statistics Estonia, in July 2024, Estonia’s exports of goods increased by 5% and imports by 1% compared with July 2023. Exports of goods amounted to over €1.3 billion and imports to nearly €1.7 billion at current prices. The trade deficit was €321 million, which is €59 million less than in July last year.
Read more 9. September 2024

Oil shale electricity production decreased last year

According to Statistics Estonia's data, Estonian power plants produced 5,686 gigawatt hours (GWh) of electricity and 4,323 GWh of heat in 2023. Compared with 2022, electricity production was down by 37% and heat production by 15%.
Read more 6. September 2024

The decline in industrial production continued in July

According to Statistics Estonia, in July 2024, the total production of industrial enterprises decreased by 5.8% at constant prices compared with July last year. Among the three main sectors, output increased by 16.9% in mining and by 16.3% in electricity production but decreased by 7.8% in manufacturing.
Read more 4. September 2024