
Global and local environmental goals focus largely on reaching a balance between limited ecological resources and people’s well-being.

According to the strategy “Sustainable Estonia 21”, achieving an ecological balance requires using natural resources sustainably, reducing pollution and preserving biological diversity and natural areas.

Globally, the aims are to stop activities contributing to climate change, to consume and produce in a sustainable and clean way, to preserve water resources and to produce energy using environmentally friendly solutions.

Data on the environment are necessary to assess progress towards these goals. Statistics Estonia publishes data on environmental pressure and the following environmental measures:

  • waste and circular economy;
  • emissions of gases causing climate change;
  • air pollution and contributors to acid rain;
  • material and energy efficiency;
  • green economy;
  • forest resources and their use;
  • environmental protection funding;
  • biodiversity protection and land use;
  • water use.

Estonia spent nearly 715 million euros on environmental protection in 2022

According to Statistics Estonia, Estonia’s environmental protection expenditure in real terms increased by nearly 37% in the period 2014–2022, that is, from 527 to 715 million euros. The environmental protection activity with the highest expenditure in 2022 was waste management with 347 million euros. The biggest environmental protection investments, worth 75 million euros, were made in wastewater management and protection of soil and water. 

Read more 13. December 2024

Share of environmental goods and services sector in GDP up by a quarter in eight years

According to Statistics Estonia, the output of the environmental goods and services sector amounted to €5 billion in 2022. The output of goods and services in the energy efficiency and renewable energy sector accounted for nearly two thirds of this, or €3.1 billion. The share of value added of the environmental goods and services sector in gross domestic product (GDP) has increased by a quarter, or one percentage point, compared with 2014.

Read more 1. November 2024